Category Archives: Opinion

Maschine Studio: Using it in the Studio

Maschine Studio: Using it in the Studio. This is long overdue, but Bunker 8 is looking back at one of their most prized pieces of kit, Native Instruments Maschine Studio. We are in the process of working through an deeper vendor relationship with Native Instruments. For those who are unaware, we were one of the first […]

Behringer X32: The Bunker 8 Review

Behringer X32: The Bunker 8 Review. Well, it has come to this, after YEARS of loyal Mackie service, our beloved 32-8 and 24 e side car are going out to pasture, making way for a fully digital front end to the mixing experience. Sigmund, for years you have been calling yourself Bunker 8 Digital Labs, what […]

Skyfall Theme Song: A modern masterpiece of melodic composition

image:skyfall movie

There is a point when a piece of music transcends all expectations, strikes at your very essence. This for me is the Skyfall Theme Song: A modern masterpiece of melodic composition. Yes, you could argue I am three years late to the party. But, no my friends, I have loved this genius orchestral haiku since it […]

Why Do You Never Get Paid When You Work Off Points on a Film

image:David Prouse Darth Vader from Star Wars

So everyone states, you are working on a film and you must be making millions, tens of thousands, thousands, or at least cab fare from working on a film right? Well, not the way that accounting systems typically work when it comes to getting paid on film. So, why do you never get paid when […]

My Music is Not in the Film at All


Composers, ourselves included find ourselves wondering “my music is not in the film at all.” We wonder what has happend to it, how it could happen and if it is “fair”. Fair has little or nothing to do with it. The feeling of directors and composers is that the film is “theirs”, the music is […]

Maschine 2.2 Update Review


Maschine 2.2 Update Review: Scales, Chords, Touch Knobs, and More Maschine has announced a brand new update to their software that adds to Maschine. The update, which came out in Service Center today, improves the functionality of the software through changes to scales and chords, the arpeggiator, and key board integration. Read more below about the […]

Blade Runner 2 Sequel Script Has Been Completed

Blade Runner 2 Sequel Script Has Been Completed. Chief Ridley Scott has uncovered that the script for his arranged Blade Runner spin-off is done, and that on-screen character Harrison Ford will be included in the expected undertaking. Razor sharp edge Runner, Scott’s famous 1982 science fiction film, featured Ford as Deckard, a man enlisted to […]

Is Skrillex the Most Hated Man in Dubstep?

Is Skrillex the most hated man in dubstep? As Skrillex, Sonny Moore has infiltrated the US charts and remixed Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars. Joe Muggs meets the man the underground loves to loathe Sonny Moore is one happy dude. Sitting on the roof of his UK record label’s office with a mid-afternoon Jack Daniel’s […]