Disruptive Elements is a menacing volume of dark ambiences and sinister textures. Packed with over 650 MB of positively wicked content, this volume includes abstract ambiences, tortured soundFX, perpetual pads, psychotic sequences, abused rhythms and suspenseful sweeps. Sure to strike fear in the hearts of...well just about anyone, Disruptive Elements is the perfect macabre fodder for composing your next dark masterpiece.
Each of the pieces in this collection is a soundtrack in itself. These are those hard to find, hard to explain, but critical elements in the soundtrack and music production genre. These are the beds that put those moments of extreme unease and disruption to rest. Try not to listen to this collection with the lights off, definitely not recommended. There are tempos associated to each one of these elements, the idea being that you would put these under as a supportive or dominant element and either lay other elements on top or let them stand on their own as they are. Disruptive Elements is the collection to own.
The content is divided up into these critical areas:
abstract ambiences
065 to mourn the loss.wav
067 ripleys final broadcast.wav
068 soft and sweet.wav
069 super sonic.wav
085 christina crypt.wav
085 what was that.wav
087 skull duster.wav
089 so many asking so much.wav
099 swirling guitar mess.wav
102 VCS servant.wav
104 embrace eternal.wav
104 john connor.wav
111 keyboard winds.wav
118 the master program.wav
120 application denied.wav
120 disturbed methods.wav
127 the wakening eclipse.wav
128 damp bone well.wav
128 skull barber.wav
130 fripp snores.wav
135 dogstar.wav
135 drawn and quartered.wav
137 jupiter springs.wav
150 localized putty.wav
165 spekaled mowers.wav
freq’d fx
063 if you live long enough.wav
065 cricket screech.wav
068 8 bit stalin.wav
075 sufficiently evil.wav
080 creepy troopers.wav
092 plutonian transmitters.wav
095 jammy photon.wav
096 iron cavity search.wav
098 bubble toy demons.wav
100 com link.wav
100 exponential diatribe.wav
106 sonic cents.wav
114 castigated dribblers.wav
114 whimper mutts.wav
115 objection noted.wav
115 tolerent visitor.wav
120 arrogant skin.wav
127 farpoint station.wav
128 taken from me.wav
132 plutonium aftervoicer.wav
135 the next time.wav
perpetual pads
065 to mourn once again.wav
065 treius 12.wav
068 heavy pads.wav
070 random world.wav
081 charon coins.wav
081 mixed blessing.wav
095 as much as you know.wav
097 suspended deity.wav
100 eire song.wav
105 message received.wav
111 naked lunch.wav
115 glass jaw.wav
115 the last one.wav
118 sputter dunk.wav
135 club mirror.wav
137 quantum theory.wav
138 bone dry.wav
psycho sequences
070 could it be.wav
070 cybernetic love ballad.wav
085 robber echo.wav
086 death stare.wav
088 mayan mystics.wav
090 burble jerks.wav
090 my reasons are my own.wav
090 trinitys blessing gritties.wav
095 morrowwind.wav
100 redrum cousins.wav
100 wookie blasters.wav
101 nowhere man.wav
103 watching the tape.wav
104 overlords.wav
105 the pleasure of objection.wav
108 oldfield baseballs.wav
116 javanese curtain dance.wav
118 panic button.wav
118 this moment I know.wav
120 wellthrown spazz.wav
123 pyscho blips.wav
127 meet me here.wav
135 swarm symphonik.wav
137 forced deduction.wav
180 will robinson.wav
re-valved rhythms
065 your breaking up.wav
066 dedicated soldier.wav
068 I knew her.wav
080 qberts parade.wav
086 Mondo drums.wav
088 dirty marshalls.wav
088 flange city.wav
090 trinitys blessing 242 drums.wav
094 fuzz drums.wav
095 focused attack.wav
101 grid hero.wav
103 x chamber.wav
104 behold the monestary.wav
105 disengage remote destruction.wav
106 bit drapes.wav
107 do I dream.wav
111 tweedles father.wav
118 lye scraper.wav
118 mr tumnus.wav
123 scary horses.wav
128 adamantium.wav
132 a lost cause.wav
137 passing lane.wav
145 unknown travellers.wav
145 zion rave.wav
150 edison’s teeth.wav
160 the moment of truth.wav
168 crumbled tenants.wav
suspense sweeps
068 hydrate farms.wav
075 awaiting your answer.wav
075 guitar symphony.wav
080 set destroy.wav
085 glacial nightstand.wav
085 particle decellerator.wav
087 saurons wings.wav
089 outer limits.wav
095 this fresh hell.wav
096 enos madras.wav
102 big sweepy times.wav
102 pure technology.wav
103 mental mail.wav
104 conspiracy theory.wav
118 defect disorder.wav
127 paper turbines.wav
129 swallows and biplanes.wav
135 threaten me.wav
Greatest Quality Assured:
These Kits have been made by the same world famous producers who brought you ‘Hitzone (Vols 1-3)’, ‘Hybridizer (Vols 1-3)’, ‘101 Below’, and more. It’s like having Sigmund Droid right there with you at the controls.