sigmund droidAccelerator 5


Accelerator 5

Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Bunker 8 has invited Fugazi Plastik, world renowned death metal guitarist into the mix for Accelerator 5. Fugazi moved his powerful, hard-edged guitar tones and amps, infusing the 'Accelerator' series with even more depth and darkness. 'Accelerator 5' continues the hard-edged, powerful, hypnotic beats, caustic guitars, sub-basses, deep synthetics and beaten to a pulp distortions [...]

sigmund droidHybridizer



Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $45.00.

Hybridizer was forged in the angry alcoves of dark clubs, rubble-strewn roadways and the furthest reaches of poor, demented souls.  Hybridizer from Bunker 8 Digital Labs, shatters through your soul with a slicing blast of pure, electronica  vitriol. Fuzz-laden basses, piercing sub-sonic beats, frenzied melodic distortions, out-of-the-asylum FX with bruising synthetic fragments. 'Hybridizer' will strike [...]

sigmund droidAdrenaline



Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $45.00.

ADRENALINE includes pumping raw multi-track construction kits of dark, heavy, violent moments injected with raging melodies. Chest-stomping industrial beats, and tear-your-face-off guitars and thrashing cybernetic dance floor jolts. Get ready for some Adrenaline! Load up one of the presets and you’ll see each of the loops mapped out onto individual mixer channels in a construction [...]

sigmund droidHybridizer 3


Hybridizer 3

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $45.00.

Bunker 8 Digital Labs once again returns to places that most fear to tread with 'Hybridizer 3'. Thousands of "hybridized" sample fanatics around the world demanded it and 'The Bunks' delivered... 7.4 GB! Over 8.300 pieces of sonic menace await your command, 200% bigger than any previous release done by Bunker 8 Digital Labs. For [...]

sigmund droidHybridizer 2


Hybridizer 2

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $40.00.

Not unlike the distant raging child of some preborn dreadnought of rage, the beast has spawned once again. 'Hybridizer 2' has awakened within your nightmare.600-hybridizer-2

sigmund droidAccelerator 4


Accelerator 4

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $12.00.

'Accelerator 4' returns with the sound that Hardcore fans have been clamoring for. Those powerful elements of Metalcore, thrashing guitars, dark snapping basses and epic drum arrangements fuse those dire elements of Industrial, Techno, Nu Metal and Hard Rock anthemics. Bunker 8 have returned with the perfect elements to corrode your soundscapes beyond recognition. Bunker [...]

sigmund droidAccelerator



Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $12.00.

'Accelerator' is a 1.5 GB collection of Construction Kits that fuses elements of industrial, techno, nu metal and hard rock anthemics. Each Construction Kit clocks in with Apple loops and Acid loops, the whole cross platform package. From the rubble strewn alleyways of some forgotten nightmare roars forth 'Accelerator'. Fusing elements of industrial, techno, nu [...]

sigmund droidAccelerator 2


Accelerator 2

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $12.00.

'Accelerator 2' is the improved sequel of Bunker 8 'Accelerator'. Arriving at over 3.0 GB, this collection of Construction Kits mixes elements of Metalcore, Industrial, Techno, Nu Metal and Hard Rock anthemics. Each kit contains a full sample mix plus all of the elements separated. Returning from a toxic wasteland infused by the lurking evil [...]

sigmund droidAccelerator 3


Accelerator 3

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $12.00.

Accelerator 3 bursts forth once again. The best selling series from Bunker 8 Digital Labs returns. Those powerful elements of metal core, thrashing guitars, dark snapping basses and epic drum arrangements fuse those dire elements of industrial, techno, nu metal and hard rock anthems, Bunker 8 has come with the perfect elements will corrode your [...]

sigmund droidNoiz Pop


Noiz Pop

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $12.00.

'Noiz Pop' from Bunker 8 contains loops, samples, Construction Kits and single hits for producing metallic/rock/industrial tracks. This is the ultimate source of grit and grunge elements that has all the disturbance and noise required to make your cranium bleed forth with joy. Noiz Pop finds its origins in Industrial music. Industrial Music is a [...]

sigmund droidHardcore AX


Hardcore AX

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $9.50.

Bunker 8 has brought you a menacing collection of guitar loops and bad attitude, Hardcore AX. These loops will drive you to the brink of insanity, and bleed you dry as your mind reels into madness. Haunting screeches, soul-crushing breakdowns, cruel riffs, and dark, sludgy chugging. Bunker 8 has brought you a menacing collection of [...]